

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Friends VS Family

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On weekends, I usually go to somewhere for a picnic with my friends. I usually prefer to go with my friends rather than my family. That’s because with my friends, I can move around and enjoy myself without any restrictions. Don’t take me wrong. It doesn’t mean that I don’t like my family. In fact I love my family very much. What I am trying to say is that with family, you have to restrict yourself to a limited area. You have to obey different “orders” from your elders. You have to take care younger ones and you can’t go far away from them. In that way, you can’t really enjoy your picnic if you are a reserved or a bit "shy" kind of person like me.

On the other hand, you can enjoy much more with friends in a picnic. That's all my personal preference and you may differ from it.

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